SmartClass TPS


All-in-one tool that fully tests the access network (copper, fiber, POTS, coax, HPNA, and ADSL2+/VDSL2 including vectored or bonded pairs) as well as broadband services (data, VoIP, and IP video) so technicians can rapidly correlate and resolve triple-play service problems to potential physical-layer causes.

The JDSU SmartClass TPS (Triple Play Services) tester helps field technicians who roll out broadband access networks and services deliver a pristine copper access infrastruc­ture that can support triple-play services and meet critical quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) requirements.

This all-in-one DSL tester tool can test copper, fiber, HPNA, asymmetrical and very high speed digital subscriber lines including vectored or bonded VDSL2 pairs Internet Protocol (IP) data, voice over IP (VoIP), and IP video with straightforward pass/fail results and detailed analysis of physical-and application-layer-related problems.

The OneCheck and VideoCheck one button automated testing applications help technicians significantly reduce testing times and improves overall quality. The SmartClass TPS verifies the physical health of the access copper loop, digital sub­scriber line (DSL) performance, and QoS/QoE of triple-play services to ensure that field technicians have successfully completed the installation and repair job. Operators and service providers can more quickly locate and repair faults and, thus, guarantee their service quality.

SmartClass TPS